- By: Scott MacNeill
- On: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 16:18:39 EDT
- Channel: Celebrate! Unity
This summer Unity has really grown into a little girl. She is very opinionated and likes to comment on everything. She really has become quite the chatterbox.
We have had a very busy summer and Unity loves the bustle of everything. She is interested in the things going on around her and wants to be involved in everything. She has been trying very hard to make her independence known and she has been very successful. Aside from being potty trained since 13 months she now does not require supervision while using the bathroom, she has figured out how to turn on the TV and the Playstation to watch her shows, she is able to setup her paint sets and other more complex toys, and unfortunately has figured out how to use the microwave which results in her toy teacups put in the microwave and set to 1 minute like mommy and daddy do with "real" coffee.
Unity still has her ear for music and loves anything that she can dance to. This summer her favorite bands are Alkaline Trio and Strawberry Jam and her favorite things to eat are CLEARLY M&M's and Jelly Beans.
We are looking forward to the coming holiday season with Unity and will be able to get her more involved in the seasonal festivals we attend.