Scott MacNeill

11 Month Old

  • By: Scott MacNeill
  • On: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 19:24:06 EDT
  • Channel: Celebrate! Unity

On March 11th Unity turned 11 months old. In the past few months Unity has really turned into her own person. She has started to walk, mastering signing, and has favorite toys which she carry's around the house. She is so much fun!

On the week of her 11th month birthday Unity started walking. She loves to walk around holding our hands when we are out and will walk around the house and the yard on her own. We are relieved that she waited to walk and really mastered crawling. We initially thought she would skip right to walking but we were hoping she would hold out.

Unity has also starting eating more adult foods. She is still breast feeding and we will continue doing that till Unity feels she is ready to stop. Some of Unity's favorite foods are; pears, sweat potatoes, yogurt, peas, and Saag Paneer. Today after a very large helping of Saag Paneer for lunch Unity has been going around giving garlic breath kisses. Unity will ask to try anything that Jessica and I are eating and she is very fond of trying new things.

Unity is speaking a few words here and there. Momma, Adah, Babelle (our cat), Uh oh, and a whole lot of baby Latin. She rambles all day long. Though she is not much of a coherent speaker she has made great strides with sign language to my surprise. she knows how to ask for more of something, how to say please, and how to let us know she is all done with something. Smart baby!

Unity loves to participate in anything that is going on around her. Everyday she helps make breakfast and lunch with me. She will open the cabinets and put her bowl on the breakfast tray and pick out what spoon she wants to use. She has her own cabinet that she can go in and out of when she wants. When Jess or me are working in the kitchen Unity will be working in her cabinet. Usually just throwing everything out onto the floor.

Unity has been doing very good with other kids her age and older. She is interesting in sharing her stuff with those around her and loves the company of other kids. She is very outgoing and loves to show off her skillz. She also loves to give kisses and hugs. At times she will demand them from Jess and I

We are looking forward to Unity's first birthday and the year that follows. She is so much fun and keeps us on our toes constantly. Every day is a new experience for us and especially for her. She is definitely happy to be alive!

  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old:
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old:
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old: Unity and Uncle Fabian her Godfather
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old:
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old:
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old:
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old: Unity loves to swing
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old: Lunch in the park
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old: Unity on her rocking horse
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old:
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old:
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old: Watching the seals with Adah
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old: Unity on her own rocking chair
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old:
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old:
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old:
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old:
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old: hangin with her friends, Alana and Juliet
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old: Unity loves her shopping cart
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old: Naked baby in tunnel with mohawk!
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old:
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old: Taking our daily nap
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old:
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old:
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old:
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old: Yelling into the wind
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old:
  • Celebrate! Unity - 11 Month Old:
Scott MacNeill :: Project.Journalist ver0.0.alpha-1.rev89