Jessica MacNeill

Fun at Tots Gym

  • By: Jessica MacNeill
  • On: Wed, 27 Jan 2010 15:35:07 EST
  • Channel: Celebrate! Unity
Unity has been going to tots gym for the past few weeks, and she loves it! The other kids in the class are all older, 14-16 months old vs Unity's 9 months. She has fun crawling all around, going through tunnels, climbing up inclines and crawling down declines. She can now crawl downhill without falling and is getting quite quick! She has no trouble keeping up with the other kids who are walking around her. I would have to say her favorite activity is either crawling through the big, red tunnel or sitting/crawling under the parachute. She has lots of fun and is exhausted when the 45 minutes is up!
  • Celebrate! Unity - Fun at Tots Gym:
  • Celebrate! Unity - Fun at Tots Gym: yeah me!
  • Celebrate! Unity - Fun at Tots Gym: crawling uphill with Miss Carla
  • Celebrate! Unity - Fun at Tots Gym: peek-a-boo
  • Celebrate! Unity - Fun at Tots Gym: Unity loves the long, red tunnel!
  • Celebrate! Unity - Fun at Tots Gym: let\'s crawl through it again
  • Celebrate! Unity - Fun at Tots Gym: tearing down castles is so fun
  • Celebrate! Unity - Fun at Tots Gym: and again!
  • Celebrate! Unity - Fun at Tots Gym: parachute time!
  • Celebrate! Unity - Fun at Tots Gym:
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